Actress Ramya Pandian Hot Pics stills in saree

Ramya Pandian who is known for her role in Joker movie is going viral recently with her photoshoot in saree. Actress Ramya Pandian has made an interview with the newspaper about the photo shoot. Responding to the question, “Did you run this photo shoot just for the sake of chance”.

Ramya Pandian replied, ” I did a photo shoot in Modern costume to make a little difference next to the image of the Joker. Now I did the photo shoot in the sari again for a change. There is no other reason than to make this photo shoot just to make a difference.”

She also said that she did not expect the photos taken on the terrace of the house to have any makeup.

Here is Ramya Pandian’s latest pictures.

Actress Ramya Pandian made her debut with the short film “Mane Thane Ponmane”. Ramya debuted into film industry in 2015 with the Tamil film ‘Tammy Dappasu’. But the movie that gave her recognition was Raju Murugan’s ‘Joker’. She also did the movie ‘male angel’ in a negative role.



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